Eergister droeg Bush gedurende een onderzoek van zijn dikkedarm tijdelijk de regeringsverantwoordelijk over aan Cheney. Citaten uit de krant van gister nadat vijf poliepen waren verwijderd: "All were less than 1 centimeter (about four-tenth of an inch) and none appeared worrisome," White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said. (....) First lady Laura Bush was in Midland, Texas, celebrating her mother's birthday. The president spoke with her on the phone before and after the colonoscopy. Stanzel said the exam was performed under what he called "monitored anesthesia care," not general anesthesia. Under general anesthesia, a patient loses conciousness. Stanzel said Bush was asleep but responsive during the colon check. The medical team stopped administering anesthesia at 7:41 a.m.; Bush was up 3 minutes later. During the 31-minute procedure, Bush was sedated with a drug called propofol. "The advantage is that it works faster and wears off condiderably fester than the standard agents," Weinberg said. He said some other drugs can leave a person groggy for hours after a colonoscopy. After the examination, Bush ate breakfast with chief of staff Joshua Bolten. White House counsel Fred Fielding and national security adviser Stephen Hadley. Bush played with his dogs, Barney and Miss Beazley." (bron The News-Herald)