

Trump Tower Manhattan New York
Trrringtrrringtring. "Hello, this is  Donald Trump's office. Donald junior speaking. Who is there?"
Dick Schoof:  My name is Dick Schoof, prime minister of  the..."
Donald Trump Jr.: "I know who you are, you are one of those bloody  Europeans, what do you want?"
Dick Schoof: "I would like to speak to Mister Trump Senior. Is he available?"
Donald Trump Junior: "Daddy, some guy on the phone, who wants to speak to you! Can I grab a beer while you are on the phone?"
Donald Trump: "Go ahead son, feel at home! Hello! Who is calling?
Dick Schoof: "Dick Schoof, prime minister of the Netherlands."
Donald Trump: "The what?"
Dick Schoof: "The Netherlands, Mister Trump."
Donald Trump: "So what?"
Dick Schoof: "I want to talk with you about the long existing ties between your beautiful  country and mine."
Donald Trump: "Ties on what? Bananas, fruit flies, loo paper?"
Dick Schoof: "No, Mister Trump, we, the  Dutch, were one of the first to recognize the United States."
Donald Trump: "The Dutch? I thought you were calling on behalf of  the Netherlands. That country were they  kill new borns and old people at random instead  of getting rid of illegals. Why should I talk to you? Eh?"
Dick Schoof: "Well as I said , Mister Trump ,we have very old ties."
Donald Trump: "I can't remember we ever met, so why should there be old ties? 
Could you please handle this guy son I have no idea what he is talking  about and where he is calling from. The Netherlands? Dutchland? I  have no clue!"
Donald Trump Junior: "Goodbye, who ever you are and where ever you are calling from."
Dick Schoof:  Eh, eh, eh....."