"Hello, hello! Is that Po-po-ti-far Bou-bou-bou-bel-c-c-c-cont? This Shlomo Beheim-m-m-m-macher calling."
"Slome wie, eh, who?""Yes, yes, Shlomo Beheim-m-m-macher. I c-c-call from Israel. I c-c-call for Arieh Da-da-da-del."
"Arie Dadel? Arie Dadel does not live here."
"No, I c-c-call for Arieh Da-da-del, he is leader of Ha-tik-tik-tik-tik-...""Teakhout, eh, teakwood?"
"No, Ha-tik-tik-tik-va!"
""Hateak? What?"
"Yes, Hatik-tik-tikva, Israel nati-nati-nationalistic p-p-party". I be pi-pi-pilot for b-b-bomber for at-t-t-tack Iran."
"But than you must not call me, you must call the Great Boontoot or Fombrok Stubbel, they are in bombing Iran.""No, no, no. The Great Booo-ooon-too-ooo-ooot give your tel-tel-ophone-n-n-number to Arieh Da-da-del when the Great Boo-oooon-too-toot was in Tel-tel Aviv and you be bombd-d-d-dropper. All party of you will f-f-f-fly with m-m-me to-to-to T-t-tehran and d-d-d-drop bombs."